Copyright To Clear – This in from Uxbridge Library.. Hi Will Your name was given to me by Sarah McDonald of the RHS as I am looking for information on…
Dear Will, if I may, The Churchill Archives Centre is looking to use two images of Churchill’s funeral in a display. Both are taken from a collection of prints…

UPDATE 26 Oct: John Hillelson’s son David has been in touch and is helping the PPHP with this search. Dear Will, I…
Dear Will, Sorry to drop into your inbox uninvited, but I am looking for the copyright holder of Photopress, Johnsons Court, Fleet Street EC4. Matthew Butson at Getty suggested that…
Update – this in from John at Topfoto: ‘Only listed in the 1975 NPD. Seem to be a printer?’ This in from a PPHP visitor Russell Hays who is looking…
This just in: Hello Will, Thank you for taking the time to talk to me today about our family photograph. We have no idea of the year or where it…

above: Details of the LNA in the 1917 Newspaper Directory – est. 1893 – photo dept set 1908 While researching the start date of London News Agency Photos Ltd –…

Above: Returning from a round of Saturday jobs in 1961 with a top hat purchased for one shilling. | At a reunion in 2009, forty years after the Evening Mail…
A PPHP reader is looking to re connect with Dermot, if you know his whereabouts please call the office on 07802437827 or email [email protected] “Dermot was a friend from a…
Another request in to our Press Photo History Project over the weekend for information on Tomas Jaski Ltd. The photo for clearance is a general press shot “The event was,…