Fox Photos LTD 1941
Following the photo agency stamps research I started earlier this year I am now doing the same for photo agency stationary. Early examples seem to be very rare, Fox Photos dated 1941 kicks off the collection – found in a press archive I am currently editing.
If you would like to see the full letter or add one to our list please contact me in the usual way.
NEW: these (below) in from Kevin Coombs via his friend Mal Langsdon from France who is an ex Reuters and UPI photographer.
Interesting envelopes and one from King Hussein’s photographers.

From Mal Langsdon
Thansk Mal!

From Mal Langsdon

Above: Press Association / PA Reuter pulling a copyrighted photo of Sir Winston Churchill and Lady Churchill on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary on the French Riveira 1958 …early pap?!

S&G 1928

Fleet Fotos 1974
I would like to start including press photographers, here are two from our records, no dates but guessing 1950’s / 1960’s:

Sent by Kevin Coombs – Thanks .