We recently had a new cash donation after helping reunite a retired Daily Mirror newspaper reporter/photographer John Smith with his photo archive. That donation has enabled us to start installing…

The New York Times is embracing it’s photo archives with the launch of a new blog on Tumblr called The Lively Morgue • Read more about the project here NYTimes.com
This in from Press Photo History Project contributor David Levenson: “Hi Will I thought that you might be interested in this. Terry Fincher on This Is Your Life, April 21st…
UPDATED 18 Feb: this in from Will at Sports Illustrated: Hi Will, Sports Illustrated now represents Neil Leifer, and we also handle some of Mark Kauffman’s work. Getty Images handles…

This photo in from Dean Osborne, Picture Editor Daily Star Sunday -that’s him ↑ second in from the right on the bottom row. • Tom Whipps, Martin Spaven (Former S…
↑ c1930? North London cabinet-making Dear Will Many thanks for your time earlier. Here is the front and back of the photo I am trying to identify. It was most…
This in from PPHP reader Sarah McDonald, Heritage Collections Manager at the Royal Horticultural Society Hello Will, Hope you’re very well? I’ve inherited a photographic collection in my new job…

Updated 15 Oct 2014 The Press Photo History Project is now working on finding more images and footage on Teddy Baldock. Any leads to [email protected] First notice Sept 26 2013…
A Press Photo History reader is trying to trace the negative archive of Maidstone, Kent based photo agency Sweatman Hedgeland Ltd. Hi Will, This may be a long shot, I…
Latest photos reunited through the PPHP. – cheers! Dear Will, Thanks for your help. I seem to have stumbled on just the right place and person. I am writing a…